So. Another week in Vienna.
Thursday was a holiday so I ended up not having much class this week which was nice.
On Wednesday Sebastian (the boy who shares my kitchen) asked me if I want to join him and a friend who were going to go to a concert at Prater.
Prater is the big permanent carnival thing's as seedy as one would expect.
This is the big Ferris Wheel at Prater.

Anyway, the concert was kind of funny for me.
There were a million hippie looking austrian college age kids just kind of sitting around the park area where the concert was, drinking and picnicking and such.
The music, though was one of the rappers or whatever you call them from Jurassic 5 and he just didn't really seem to have much in common with the audience. I mean he was also singing or whatever and stagebantering in english and I don't really know how much of what he said the people there understood. was free.
Then there was this German band/singer who sings in maybe Romanian or something. Anyway. He has one famous song and it's funny to watch everybody try to sing along to a song in a language they don't understand.
Friday night and yesterday I spent doing work. I feel like I might actually catch up soon.
Then last night I went to another concert with people from my dorm. We saw Nena who sang 99RedBalloons. And it was free. I'm happy I went even though the concert was pretty boring since I only know 2 songs by her and they were the last two played.
Here is Nena: