I could write and post this later.
It is Sunday morning and I am up unreasonably early for how late I was out.
Last night was mostly unexciting. I feel like I'm not taking full advantage of this city.
Especially when it comes to weekends. I should hang out less with people from our
group because when we are together we always speak English which is so unhelpful.
In the afternoon though, we went to a professional soccer game. It was the team from Berlin
versus someone whose name I never did catch. Berlin's team though is pretty awful so they
don't have that many fans and it wasn't as crazy as I'm sure it could have been were we in
say Bremen. But I had really never seen anything quite like it. There was a lot of shouting
and booing and everyone was dressed in blue and drinking disgusting beer out of plastic cups
and eating bratwursts and prezels. But the people who were really into it were fun to watch
and Berlin actually won so on the walk back to the subway there were a lot of drunk 20somethings
chanting victory songs.
Then we ate at an overpriced Chinese restaurant that wasn't very good. I really don't like being
in large groups in public. We are really loud and I'm always overly conscious of how much we
stick out and then everyone gets angry with me when I try and get them to quiet down. And it is annoying to eat with people because some people just don't tip at all here even though you are
generally supposed to leave at least something. So then I feel obligated to tip for people. Lame.
Friday though I went out for sushi with Christian and then we went to art exhibitions at two of
the art colleges here and that was super pleasant. Then we just sat in a cute little bar and
talked. In German. That always makes me feel better about life.
I figure it is time to post some pictures from Berlin.
1) My room. It is big and nice.

2) The Brandenburg Gate.

3) The Siegesäule. Victory Tower.

4) Kairer-Wilhelm Gedänktnis Kirche. Church that was partially destroyed during WWII that I think is really nice looking.

5) Holocaust Memorial.

6) My subway stop.

7) Julia and I dressed up for Karneval.

8) Karneval!

9) The Palace at the end of my block.

10) Valentine's Day group.

11) Heart Soup.

12) Heart Salad.

13) Fernsehturm.

1 Kommentar:
Your room is AMAZING. And so are those tights.
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