Donnerstag, 17. April 2008

Kunst und Curry.

So today I went with my class and our Austrian teacher person to the kunst historisches museum (art history museum). There was a lot to see. Kind of too much for one trip and I don't even think we really saw the majority anyway. That woman also talks up a storm and about the most boring things.
Then after class a few us went and ate at this pakistani restaurant where there is a buffet and you pay as much as you think you should. moral dilemma i tell you. but it was delicious and i ate far far far too much.
Also I've dyed my hair a ridiculous shade of red/orange. The internet is however not letting me post a photograph.
And this weekend I am travelling to Bratislava, Slovakia with some friends from my dorm. That should be interesting.
As for now I'm going to go attempt to get some late work done.

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